Pozdniakov Ivan

Who am I

My name is Ivan Pozdniakov. I teach data analysis and statistics in R, both as courses at universities and as a tutor. I have a free book (in Russian) “Data Analysis and Statistics in R”. I currently live in Tbilisi, Georgia, where I left after Putin started a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Plans and interests

I am in the process of returning to science after working in IT and teaching. My main area of interest is computational neuroscience and I am looking for a PhD position in this field.

My other academic interests include philosophy of mind and digital humanities. I have collaborated with the DraCor team for years, in particular, I’ve developed a CRAN-published R package {rdracor} and the Shiny web application. I am also interested in history, politics, philosophy (the hard problem of consciousness especially), activism, data journalism, data science, generative art, R and tidyverse. If you are interested in collaboration, e-mail me at ivanspozdniakov@gmail.com

What do I stand for

❌ No to war

❌ No to Putin

❌ No to xenophobia

❌ No to sexism

❌ No to homophobia

❌ No to transphobia

✅ Yes to democracy

✅ Yes to human rights

✅ Yes to empathy

✅ Yes to respect

✅ Yes to love